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Updated: 1 hour 13 min ago

Slowdown after Ice Age sounds a warning for Great Barrier Reef's future

Tue, 05/05/2015 - 09:23
Environmental factors similar to those affecting the present day Great Barrier Reef have been linked to a major slowdown in its growth 8,000 years ago, research shows.

As the river rises: Cahokia's emergence and decline linked to Mississippi River flooding

Mon, 05/04/2015 - 14:49
As with rivers, civilizations across the world rise and fall. Sometimes, the rise and fall of rivers has something to do with it. At Cahokia, the largest prehistoric settlement in the Americas north of Mexico, new evidence suggests that major flood events in the Mississippi River valley are tied to the cultural center's emergence and ultimately, to its decline.

Fjords are 'hotspots' in global carbon cycling

Mon, 05/04/2015 - 11:10
While fjords are celebrated for their beauty, these ecosystems are also major carbon sinks that likely play an important role in the regulation of the planet's climate, new research reveals.

Juvenile shale gas in Sweden

Mon, 05/04/2015 - 11:05
Considering geological time scales, the occurrence of biogenic shale gas in Sweden´s crust is relatively young. Geoscientists found that biogenic methane in the Alum Shale in South Sweden formed due to deglaciation around 12 years ago. Moreover, the formation processes were due to complex interactions between neotectonic activity and the occurrence of a deep biosphere. Applying a new hydrogeochemical modelling approach, the specific methane generation process was unraveled and quantified for the first time in Europe.

Gravity data show that Antarctic ice sheet is melting increasingly faster

Thu, 04/30/2015 - 18:11
Researchers 'weighed' Antarctica's ice sheet using gravitational satellite data and found that during the past decade, Antarctica's massive ice sheet lost twice the amount of ice in its western portion compared with what it accumulated in the east. Their conclusion -- the southern continent's ice cap is melting ever faster.

First global review of Arctic marine mammals

Thu, 04/30/2015 - 11:48
A multinational study attempted to gauge the population trends of Arctic marine mammals and changes in their habitat, identify missing scientific information, and provide recommendations for the conservation of Arctic marine mammals over the next decades.

200-year lag between climate events in Greenland, Antarctica: Ocean involved

Wed, 04/29/2015 - 12:29
A new study using evidence from a highly detailed ice core from West Antarctica shows a consistent link between abrupt temperature changes on Greenland and Antarctica during the last ice age, giving scientists a clearer picture of the link between climate in the northern and southern hemispheres.

Ancient archeological mystery solved: Cooling temps led to farming disaster, collapse of civilization

Wed, 04/29/2015 - 08:01
Climate change may be responsible for the abrupt collapse of civilization on the fringes of the Tibetan Plateau around 2000 B.C. according to archaeologists who found that cooling global temperatures at the end of the Holocene Climatic Optimum, a 4,000-year period of warm weather, would have made it impossible for ancient people on the Tibetan Plateau to cultivate millet, their primary food source.

Soil contamination from melt waters at airports

Wed, 04/29/2015 - 07:54
Geoscientists analyzed soil contamination through melt waters at airports. They found that de-icing agents like propylene glycol and potassium formate have a negative impact on groundwater quality and the functions of the soil.

Whitening the Arctic Ocean: May restore sea ice, but not climate

Tue, 04/28/2015 - 16:14
Some scientists have suggested that global warming could melt frozen ground in the Arctic, releasing vast amounts of the potent greenhouse gas methane into the atmosphere, greatly amplifying global warming. It has been proposed that such disastrous climate effects could be offset by technological approaches. One such proposal is to artificially whiten the surface of the Arctic Ocean in order to increase the reflection of the Sun's energy into space and restore sea ice.

Salty aquifer, previously unknown microbial habitat discovered under Antarctica

Tue, 04/28/2015 - 11:52
Many view Antarctica as a frozen wasteland. Turns out there are hidden interconnected lakes underneath its dry valleys that could sustain life and shed light on ancient climate change. Microbiologists detected extensive salty groundwater networks in Antarctica using a novel airborne electromagnetic mapping sensor system. The findings shed new light on ancient climate change on Earth and provide evidence that a similar briny aquifer could support microscopic life on Mars.

Blogging on the ice: Connecting audiences with climate-change sciences

Tue, 04/28/2015 - 07:20
Climate change is a perennially controversial subject frequently splashed across mainstream headlines. However, what we see in the news is not always what the scientists at the front line of climate change experience. Some scientists have been trying to counteract these misconceptions via citizen journalism and directly connecting with the public through blogging rather than official media channels.

Alternate theory of inhabitation of North America disproven

Mon, 04/27/2015 - 13:51
The most widely accepted theory of the inhabitation of North America is that humans migrated from Siberia to Alaska by means of a 'land bridge' that spanned the Bering Strait. However, in the 1990s, a small group of researchers proposed that North America was first settled by people from Europe, who moved from east to west via a glacial 'ice bridge.' Now, researchers have definitively disproven the ice bridge theory.

Thawing permafrost feeds climate change

Thu, 04/23/2015 - 11:56
Single-cell organisms called microbes are rapidly devouring the ancient carbon being released from thawing permafrost soil and ultimately releasing it back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, according to new research. Increased carbon dioxide levels, of course, cause the Earth to warm and accelerate thawing.

Entire genomes of woolly mammoths mapped: Clues to extinction, possibility of bringing mammoths back

Thu, 04/23/2015 - 11:48
An international team of researchers has sequenced the nearly complete genome of two Siberian woolly mammoths -- revealing the most complete picture to date -- including new information about the species' evolutionary history and the conditions that led to its mass extinction at the end of the Ice Age.

High mountains warming faster than expected

Thu, 04/23/2015 - 07:54
High elevation environments around the world may be warming much faster than previously thought, according to members of an international research team. They call for more aggressive monitoring of temperature changes in mountain regions and more attention to the potential consequences of warming.

Are gas hydrates a source of environmentally friendly energy?

Wed, 04/22/2015 - 09:41
Gas hydrate is also known as the ice that burns. And all that burns releases energy. And a lot of energy is stored in hydrates and there are gigatons of it stored in the sediments of the oceans. 

Global warming more moderate than worst-case models, empirical data suggest

Tue, 04/21/2015 - 09:56
A study based on 1,000 years of temperature records suggests global warming is not progressing as fast as it would under the most severe emissions scenarios outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Natural decade-to-decade variability in surface temperatures can account for some much-discussed recent changes in the rate of warming. Empirical data, rather than climate models, were used to estimate this variability.

Phytoplankton, reducing greenhouse gases or amplifying Arctic warming?

Tue, 04/21/2015 - 09:53
Scientists have presented the geophysical impact of phytoplankton that triggers positive feedback in the Arctic warming when the warming-induced melting of sea ice stimulates phytoplankton growth.

Greenland continuing to darken

Fri, 04/17/2015 - 09:37
Darkening of the Greenland Ice Sheet is projected to continue as a consequence of continued climate warming, according to experts.
