Least Weasel
Mustela nivalis
The least weasel is classified as the world's smallest carnivore. As with other weasels, it is typically described as being curious, alert and bold - actively investigating every hole and nook they encounter during their hunting rounds in search of small rodent prey. Currently, the least weasel enjoys a circumboreal distribution throughout the Holarctic, and in North America it is found throughout Alaska and Canada and southward to the U.S. Great Lakes and midwestern states. During the late Pleistocene, their range extended further south into Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee.
Length: males 13-26 cm (5.1-10.2 in) body, 1-9 cm (0.4-3.5 in) tail; females 11-20 cm (4.3-7.9 in) body, 2-6 cm (0.8-2.4 in) tail
Weight: males 36-250 g (1.3-8.8 oz); females 30-117 (1.1-4.1 oz)