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Paleoclimatologists use ancient sediment to explore future climate in Africa

Tue, 10/10/2023 - 12:35
With global warming apparently here to stay, a team of paleoclimatologists are studying an ancient source to determine future rainfall and drought patterns: fossilized plants that lived on Earth millions of years ago.

Researchers identify largest ever solar storm in ancient 14,300-year-old tree rings

Mon, 10/09/2023 - 18:17
An international team of scientists have discovered a huge spike in radiocarbon levels 14,300 years ago by analyzing ancient tree-rings found in the French Alps. The radiocarbon spike was caused by a massive solar storm, the biggest ever identified.  A similar solar storm today would be catastrophic for modern technological society – potentially wiping out telecommunications and satellite systems, causing massive electricity grid blackouts, and costing us billions. The academics are warning of the importance of understanding such storms to protect our global communications and energy infrastructure for the future.

Ancient Maya reservoirs offer lessons for today's water crises

Mon, 10/09/2023 - 18:16
Ancient Maya reservoirs, which used aquatic plants to filter and clean the water, 'can serve as archetypes for natural, sustainable water systems to address future water needs.' The Maya built and maintained reservoirs that were in use for more than 1,000 years. These reservoirs provided potable water for thousands to tens of thousands of people in cities during the annual, five-month dry season and in periods of prolonged drought.

Prehistoric people occupied upland regions of inland Spain in even the coldest periods of the last Ice Age

Wed, 10/04/2023 - 14:05
Paleolithic human populations survived even in the coldest and driest upland parts of Spain, according to a new study.

Scientists investigate Grand Canyon's ancient past to predict future climate impacts

Mon, 10/02/2023 - 16:08
A team explores relationship between warming post-Ice Age temperatures and intensifying summer monsoon rains on groundwater reserves.

Ancient plant wax reveals how global warming affects methane in Arctic lakes

Fri, 09/29/2023 - 16:10
In a new study, researchers examined the waxy coatings of leaves preserved as organic molecules within sediment from the early-to-middle Holocene, a period of intense warming that occurred due to slow changes in Earth's orbit 11,700 to 4,200 years ago. They found that warming potentially could lead to a previously under-appreciated flux in methane emissions from lakes.

Biological particles play crucial role in Arctic cloud ice formation

Thu, 09/28/2023 - 14:21
An international team of scientists has presented research findings that reveal a crucial role of biological particles, including pollen, spores, and bacteria, in the formation of ice within Arctic clouds. These findings have far-reaching implications for climate science and our understanding of the rapidly changing Arctic climate.

A turtle time capsule: DNA found in ancient shell

Thu, 09/28/2023 - 14:19
Paleontologists discover possible DNA remains in fossil turtle that lived 6 million years ago in Panama, where continents collide.

Atlantic walrus more vulnerable than ever to Arctic warming

Wed, 09/27/2023 - 14:54
Past cycles of climate change, along with human exploitation, have led to only small and isolated stocks of Atlantic walrus remaining. The current population is at high risk of the same issues affecting them severely, according to a new study.

Novel bacterial proteins from seafloor shine light on climate and astrobiology

Wed, 09/27/2023 - 14:53
Researchers have unveiled a remarkable discovery: the identification of novel bacterial proteins that play a vital role in the formation and stability of methane clathrates, which trap gigatons of greenhouse gas beneath the seafloor. These newfound proteins not only suppress methane clathrate growth as effectively as toxic chemicals used in drilling but also prove to be eco-friendly and scalable. This innovative breakthrough not only promises to enhance environmental safety in natural gas transportation but also sheds light on the potential for similar biomolecules to support life beyond Earth.

Antarctica's glacial border migrates for miles with the tide

Tue, 09/26/2023 - 23:34
New measurements of how boundary between onshore glacier and floating ice shelf glides back-and- forth could help predict melting.

Glaciers becoming smaller and disappearing

Mon, 09/25/2023 - 14:38
Researchers show that some glaciers have disappeared entirely, some no longer show movement, some are too small to meet the 0.01 square kilometer minimum and some are actually rock glaciers -- rocky debris with ice in the pore spaces.

Pollen analysis suggests peopling of Siberia and Europe by modern humans occurred during a major Pleistocene warming spell

Fri, 09/22/2023 - 13:12
A new study appearing in Science Advances compares Pleistocene vegetation communities around Lake Baikal in Siberia, Russia, to the oldest archeological traces of Homo sapiens in the region. The researchers use the 'remarkable evidence' to tell a compelling story from 45,000-50,000 years ago with new detail: how the first humans migrated across Europe and Asia.

Riddle of varying warm water inflow in the Arctic now solved

Thu, 09/21/2023 - 09:57
In the 'weather kitchen,' the interplay between the Azores High and Icelandic Low has a substantial effect on how much warm water the Atlantic transports to the Arctic along the Norwegian coast. But this rhythm can be thrown off for years at a time. Experts finally have an explanation for why: Due to unusual atmospheric pressure conditions over the North Atlantic, low-pressure areas are diverted from their usual track, which disrupts the coupling between the Azores High, the Icelandic Low and the winds off the Norwegian coast. This finding is an important step toward refining climate models and more accurately predicting the fate of Arctic sea ice in the face of progressing climate change.

Laser-based ice-core sampling for studying climate change

Tue, 09/19/2023 - 14:49
Researchers have developed a new laser-based sampling system for studying the composition of ice cores taken from glaciers. The new system has a 3-mm depth-resolution and is expected to help reconstruct continuous annual temperature changes that occurred thousands to hundreds of thousands of years ago, which will help scientists understand climate change in the past and present.

Glacier Loss Day indi­cates record break­ing glacier melt

Tue, 09/19/2023 - 14:48
In the summer of 2022, one of Tyrol's largest glaciers experienced its most significant loss of mass on record. Last year, the Hintereisferner in Tyrol, Austria, reached its Glacier Loss Day (GLD) earlier than ever before. The GLD serves as an indicator of a glacier's health throughout the year, similar to how the Earth Overshoot Day measures Earth's resource consumption.

Polar experiments reveal seasonal cycle in Antarctic sea ice algae

Thu, 09/14/2023 - 21:40
Results provide the first measurements of how sea-ice algae and other single-celled life adjust to the dramatic seasonal rhythms in the Southern Ocean. The results provide clues to what might happen as this ecosystem shifts under climate change.

New research reveals why and when the Sahara Desert was green

Wed, 09/13/2023 - 11:26
A pioneering study has shed new light on North African humid periods that have occurred over the past 800,000 years and explains why the Sahara Desert was periodically green.

New rivers in the North? Scientists identify how the dissection of Arctic landscapes is changing with accelerating climate change

Tue, 09/12/2023 - 10:35
New research shows that amplified global warming in the Canadian High Arctic drove a profound shift in the structure of a river network carved into a permafrost landscape in only 60 years.

Helicopter-based observations uncover warm ocean water flows toward Totten Ice Shelf in Southeast Antarctica

Mon, 09/11/2023 - 13:11
An international team of scientists has successfully conducted large-scale helicopter-based observations along the coast of East Antarctica and has identified pathways through which warm ocean water flows from the open ocean into ice shelf cavities for the first time.
