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Updated: 1 hour 46 min ago

Permafrost alone holds back Arctic rivers -- and a lot of carbon

Thu, 02/01/2024 - 20:28
A new study provides the first evidence that the Arctic's frozen soil is the dominant force shaping Earth's northernmost rivers, confining them to smaller areas and shallower valleys than rivers to the south. But as climate change weakens Arctic permafrost, the researchers calculate that every 1 degree Celsius of global warming could release as much carbon as 35 million cars emit in a year as polar waterways expand and churn up the thawing soil.

Trees struggle to 'breathe' as climate warms

Wed, 01/31/2024 - 17:35
Trees are struggling to sequester heat-trapping carbon dioxide (CO2) in warmer, drier climates, meaning that they may no longer serve as a solution for offsetting humanity's carbon footprint as the planet continues to warm, according to a new study.

Unprecedented ocean heating shows risks of a world 3°C warmer

Wed, 01/31/2024 - 13:45
New research examines the causes of the record-breaking ocean temperatures witnessed in 2023.

Greenland is a methane sink rather than a source

Wed, 01/31/2024 - 13:44
Researchers have concluded that the methane uptake in dry landscapes exceeds methane emissions from wet areas across the ice-free part of Greenland. The results of the new study contribute with important knowledge for climate models. The researchers are now investigating whether the same finding applies to other polar regions.

Geoengineering may slow Greenland ice sheet loss

Tue, 01/30/2024 - 12:36
Modeling shows that stratospheric aerosol injection has the potential to reduce ice sheet loss due to climate change.

Links discovered between weather patterns and power outages could help UK protect itself from disruptive weather

Tue, 01/23/2024 - 11:22
The behavior of specific weather patterns and their impact on power faults could be used to develop a weather pattern - conditioned fault forecasting system for power system operators.

Ice age could help predict oceans' response to global warming

Sun, 01/21/2024 - 18:21
A new way to measure the ocean oxygen level and its connections with carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere during the last ice age could help explain the role oceans played in past glacial melting cycles and improve predictions of how ocean carbon cycles will respond to global warming.

Wobbling particles in the sky

Fri, 01/19/2024 - 11:27
Tiny particles such as ice crystals or ash particles tend to oscillate as they settle through the atmosphere. In their experiments, the scientists were able to track non-spherical particles of size smaller than 1 millimeter with unprecedented accuracy. Their observations gave rise to a model which can help to refine prediction on air pollutants or weather forecasts.

Why animals shrink over time explained with new evolution theory

Thu, 01/18/2024 - 11:22
The new theoretical research proposes that animal size over time depends on two key ecological factors.

Stalagmites as climate archive

Wed, 01/17/2024 - 13:36
When combined with data from tree-ring records, stalagmites can open up a unique archive to study natural climate fluctuations, a research team has demonstrated. The researchers analyzed the isotopic composition of oxygen in a stalagmite formed from calcareous water in a cave in southern Germany. In conjunction with the data acquired from tree rings, they were able to reconstruct short-term climate fluctuations over centuries and correlate them with historically documented environmental events.

Chasing the light: Study finds new clues about warming in the Arctic

Mon, 01/15/2024 - 11:12
The Arctic, Earth's icy crown, is experiencing a climate crisis like no other. It's heating up at a furious pace -- four times faster than the rest of our planet. Researchers are pulling back the curtain on the reduction of sunlight reflectivity, or albedo, which is supercharging the Arctic's warming.

The first assessment of toxic heavy metal pollution in the Southern Hemisphere over the last 2,000 years

Thu, 01/11/2024 - 15:26
Human activity, from burning fossil fuels and fireplaces to the contaminated dust produced by mining, alters Earth's atmosphere in countless ways. Records of these impacts over time are preserved in everlasting polar ice that serves as a sort of time capsule, allowing scientists and historians to link Earth's history with that of human societies. In a new study, ice cores from Antartica show that lead and other toxic heavy metals linked to mining activities polluted the Southern Hemisphere as early as the 13th century.

Acidity of Antarctic waters could double by century's end, threatening biodiversity

Tue, 01/09/2024 - 17:35
Without drastically reducing global emissions, the Antarctic Ocean could become too acidic for hundreds of species living there, many already endangered by rising temperatures and sea ice loss.

Meteorite analysis shows Earth's building blocks contained water

Tue, 01/09/2024 - 11:11
Analysis of iron meteorites from the earliest years of the solar system indicate that the planetary 'seeds' that ultimately formed Earth contained water.

Male southern elephant seals are picky eaters

Thu, 01/04/2024 - 11:20
New research suggests these large marine mammals are extremely fussy and only eat their favorite foods.

Reduced air pollution during pandemic points to way to preserve Himalayan glaciers

Thu, 12/21/2023 - 00:24
Reducing air pollution to levels similar to those during the coronavirus pandemic could protect the glaciers in the Himalayas and prevent them from disappearing by the end of the century. This is the conclusion reached by an international research team analyzing the situation during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020.

Mesopotamian bricks unveil the strength of Earth's ancient magnetic field

Mon, 12/18/2023 - 14:09
Ancient bricks inscribed with the names of Mesopotamian kings have yielded important insights into a mysterious anomaly in Earth's magnetic field 3,000 years ago, according to a new study.

Exoplanets'climate -- it takes nothing to switch from habitable to hell

Mon, 12/18/2023 - 12:00
The Earth is a wonderful blue and green dot covered with oceans and life, while Venus is a yellowish sterile sphere that is not only inhospitable but also sterile. However, the difference between the two bears to only a few degrees in temperature. A team of astronomers has achieved a world's first by managing to simulate the entirety of the runaway greenhouse process which can transform the climate of a planet from idyllic and perfect for life, to a place more than harsh and hostile. The scientists have also demonstrated that from initial stages of the process, the atmospheric structure and cloud coverage undergo significant changes, leading to an almost-unstoppable and very complicated to reverse runaway greenhouse effect. On Earth, a global average temperature rise of just a few tens of degrees, subsequent to a slight rise of the Sun's luminosity, would be sufficient to initiate this phenomenon and to make our planet inhabitable.

Positive tipping points must be triggered to solve climate crisis

Fri, 12/15/2023 - 13:02
Positive tipping points must be triggered if we are to avoid the severe consequences of damaging Earth system tipping points, researchers say.

Ancient DNA reveals how a chicken virus evolved to become more deadly

Fri, 12/15/2023 - 00:54
An international team of scientists led by geneticists and disease biologists has used ancient DNA to trace the evolution of Marek's Disease Virus (MDV). This global pathogen causes fatal infections in unvaccinated chickens and costs the poultry industry over $1 billion per year. The findings show how viruses evolve to become more virulent and could lead to the development of better ways to treat viral infections.
